

After almost 13 years, on January 16th my position at Windstream came an abrupt end. I was on the Enterprise side of things and despite the fact that my work was featured on our company wide workstation screensaver for close to a year up to my final day, I still made the chopping block! I suppose when one door closes another one will hopefully open. It was a great ride and I met a lot of smart individuals that gave me so many new opportunities. Looks like it's that time again to move on and spread my talents elsewhere.


Happy New Year! Two exciting projects finally materialized in my world of Windstream, so all of my time has been devoted to that endeavor. Not a lot of time to spare for personal updates, but my Kidsabilities logo finally went up after all of these years. I wish I was in the know on the sign's presentation ahead of time but the logo itself turned out great!


Experimenting with background video loops from some of my vacation footage. Alive and powerful when it works flawlessly (Chrome and FF) over using just a static photo/background, but jarring when it - occasionally - stutters even for a fraction of a second (Edge). FF and IE handle the video readyState in a weird way compared to Chrome that appears to fire as intended. Still investigating and playing with it!


Posted my transparent mobile video Flash alternative prototype.


Created a preloader throughout heavy imagery both adults and children can appreciate. You won't find AJAX spinners here ;)


Big updates and fixes! Nav was added to mobile. Fixed overlapping panels on mobile and smallest screens. New animated UI where my fun there is just beginning!


Fixed a few panel and nav issues on the iPad. Added a mouse threshold to opening and closing the main panels. Added ability to move forward and back between videos after the initial random video. Updated nav & panel logic between pages and platform.


Finally my new website for 2020! The last time I updated my site was before I became a dad - that's how old it was. I turned it live but I am still building it out with a bunch of ideas spinning in my head. There is still plenty to carry over from the old site so over time I'll cherry pick what to showcase and what I can let go of.

About Me

Born in Ukraine and raised in a household of classical musicians, I relish the creative domains. I'm an avid viewer of film. This interest fuels my collection of orchestral movie soundtracks. I know that these interests carry over into my digital projects. My portfolio displays my creative vision and style: allowing for innovative and exciting design. I fixate on details: making for some long and laborious nights.


This is my professional online portfolio as well as my personal site for family and friends. Click anywhere and peek into my life.

Featured Work
